The Dalmore Cigar Malt Scotch Whisky
Dalmore Cigar Malt Scotch Whiskey is a sophisticated and refined expression designed to accompany the finest cigars and delight the most discerning palates. With a unique combination of aging in different barrels, this whiskey offers a complex and satisfying flavor profile.
Main features:
- Aging Method: Cigar Malt is carefully aged in a selection of the finest barrels. These include American white oak ex-bourbon casks, Matusalem casks of Oloroso sherry and Cabernet Sauvignon barrels. This variety of casks gives the whiskey layers of complexity and depth of flavor.
- Volume and ABV: Each bottle of Dalmore Cigar Malt contains 70cl of whiskey, with an ABV (Alcohol by Volume) of 44%, offering an optimal balance of robustness and refinement.
Tasting Notes:
- Aroma: The nose reveals enveloping notes of cinnamon, vanilla and red fruits, anticipating a rich and enveloping sensory experience.
- Palate: On the palate, notes of tropical fruit, sweet accents of banana toffee and the creaminess of vanilla ice cream emerge, creating a harmonious balance between sweetness and complexity.
- Finish: The finish has a pleasant orange zest, the warmth of dark chocolate and a subtle crushed spice that lingers gently in the aftertaste, inviting another sip.
Dalmore Cigar Malt Scotch Whiskey is a unique and refined tasting experience designed to accompany the most indulgent moments and satisfy the most discerning tastes of whiskey and cigar lovers.
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