Gin SUL CL 50
Sul Gin is Dry Gin from Hamburg, Germany, with roots in Portugal. A testament to our love for this beautiful country at the southwestern tip of Europe. Simple, fresh and elegant.
Our exclusive dry gin features the finest botanicals, careful distillation in very small batches and subtle hints of Mediterranean citrus.
Juniper berries, coriander, rosemary, peppers, lavender, cinnamon, and fresh lemons from Portugal are just some of the ingredients that capture Gin Sul’s “saudade,” or deep longing.
Lemons growing in the western Algarve are often the size of grapefruits, with skins as thick as an inch and a lemony flavor that brings back childhood memories.
With steeping, it is the quality of these botanicals that matters, more than the variety of ingredients. “Simple is beautiful” is the philosophy of Gin Sul, particularly with the superb organic junipers or fresh rosemary that go into GIN SUL.
The fragrant aroma as you travel from Setúbal to Sagres lies between honey and eucalyptus. Together with the scent of pine trees and the typical aromatic gum of cistus grown on the barren soil of the steep cliffs along the Vicenza Coast, they form what we call “the aroma of the south.”
The distillery’s copper still made by Arnold Holstein in Markdorf on Lake Constance holds only 100 liters.
All the alcohol vapor must make its way through what is known as an anisateur: an alcohol tray, which in our custom distillation process is filled with fresh lemon peel, rosemary, and rose petals.
Cold, clear, sweet water from the Lüneburg Heath region south of Hamburg is blended with GIN SUL distillate in the Altona Spirit Manufacture to bring it to 43 percent strength.
Thirty-three wells, dug to a depth of 326 meters, provide water from the ice-age gravels of Saal and the lignite sands below and create the ideal water source for Gin Sul.
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