Gordon’s Pink Gin
A Classic with Modern Charm: Gordon’s Pink Gin
Gordon’s Premium Pink Distilled Gin is an homage to the traditional Gordon’s Pink Gin of 1880, but with a modern twist that combines the quality of classic gin with the sweet, refreshing flavor of berries.
This gin, with its vibrant pink hue, was created using only the highest quality ingredients and natural flavors, offering an authentic and captivating taste experience.
Characteristics and Tasting Notes:
- Aroma: A delicate balance of Gordon’s refreshing gin and sweet notes of raspberries, strawberries and currants.
The fruity aroma is intense yet refined, creating an inviting olfactory experience. - Taste: On the palate, Gordon’s Premium Pink stands out for its sweeter taste than classic gin.
Notes of red berries such as strawberries and raspberries come to the fore, balanced by the slight acidity of bittersweet currants.
This mix of flavors makes the gin incredibly fresh and pleasant, perfect for those who prefer a gin with a softer, fruitier profile. - Finish: A sweet, fruity aftertaste with a light, refreshing persistence that invites another sip.
The balance between the sweet berry notes and the classic juniper flavor of the gin creates a harmonious and satisfying finish.
Service Tips:
Gordon’s Pink Gin is extremely versatile and lends itself to a variety of cocktails and preparations.
Here are some ideas for enjoying it at its best:
- Pink Gin Tonic: Serve in a large wine glass with plenty of ice cubes.
Add Gordon’s Premium Pink Gin and tonic water.
Garnish with fresh strawberries to enhance the aroma and flavor of the berries.
This cocktail is perfect for summer evenings or a sophisticated brunch. - Gordon’s Pink Spritz: A deliciously refreshing and slightly fizzy option.
Mix 2 parts Gordon’s Pink Gin with 2 parts soft drink (such as lemon soda or tonic water) and 1 part Prosecco.
Serve in a large wine glass with ice cubes and garnish with fresh strawberries and raspberries for a finishing touch that enhances the fruity and floral flavors of the gin.
Suggestions for Pairings:
- Strawberries and Fresh Fruit: The sweetness of fresh strawberries accentuates the berry notes of the gin, making it ideal to sip with a plate of fresh fruit.
- Berry Desserts: Tarts, berry cheesecakes, and lemon desserts pair perfectly because of the balance of sweetness and acidity.
- Summer Salads: A fresh salad of spinach, strawberries and pecans can complete the experience, offering a combination of sweetness and crunch.
Gordon’s Premium Pink Distilled Gin represents a perfect fusion of tradition and innovation.
With its fresh, fruity flavor, it is ideal for those seeking an alternative to classic gin without sacrificing quality and sophistication.
Perfect for colorful and creative cocktails or to be enjoyed simply with ice and fresh fruit, this gin offers a unique experience that satisfies the most diverse palates, from the traditionalist to the modern.
Try it in the company of friends or at a relaxing time, and be carried away by the refreshing taste and berry notes that distinguish Gordon’s Pink Gin.
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